Crochet Diamond Weave Two Color Baby Blanket

Baby Nora on Diamond Weave Two Color Blanket

All I can say is they grow too fast! Baby Nora is 4 months old already and growing like a weed. I love when they start to wake up to the world though, she is just so happy and patient with all the action going on around her. 

And I’m calling it now, she definitely has red hair, just the same color as Hannah’s!

Here’s a photo of Hannah and Nora when Nora was just a few days old. 

Mom and daughter

(Us Daisy Farm girls couldn’t be more thrilled that so far both Kate and Nora have red hair. We are a pack of redheads!) 

Mom and daughters

And this grandma could go on for days about these babies and my girls, but I know you’re here for the gorgeous blanket behind her. 

Cyndi, aka Sugar Joye made this one, and it is a colorful take on our very popular pattern the Diamond Weave Throw which also is a very simple way to bring texture to a classic v-stitch blanket. 

In this version, you are alternating the direction of the front post and back post double crochets to achieve the woven look. 

Cyndi decided to change colors every two rows to add more interest and it really is stunning in person

Diamond Weave Two Color Blanket

You can find the Diamond Weave Throw Pattern with a free printable at our original post about the blanket. 

Tap here to access the Diamond Weave Pattern

Cyndi has a video tutorial that she put together if you’d like to watch and see exactly how she did the color changes. 




Cyndi is my sister who has been learning how to crochet for the past year and loves to learn from patterns we have here on our site and then put her own spin on it. She is an artist and a designer and I’ve always admired her sense of style and whimsy. 

She has designed some pretty fun things already that have been super popular. Crochet has turned out to be a great fit for her and her creativity. 

Here are a few of her popular patterns:

The Fun Fringe Beanie:

Fun Fringe Beanie
tap photo for pattern

The Even Moss at Berry Ridge: 

Even Moss at Berry Ridge
tap photo for pattern

School Spirit Scarf: 

School Spirit Scarf
tap photo for pattern

We are on summer break right now, but a lot of these ideas came about on our weekly Crochet Sister Chat on Youtube. We chat for about an hour every Wednesday and share what we are working on and what we hope to design or what might work as a new crochet project. It’s been fun for us as sisters and we invite you to come along with us when we start back up this August. 

Here’s the season finale if you want a glimpse: 

Crochet Diamond Weave Two Color Blanket

I almost forgot to tell you about the yarn she used! I think that Caron One Pound has one of the most beautiful pale pinks out there. Cyndi paired it with White. It is an excellent affordable yarn that is perfect for beginners. Cyndi made her blanket 36 x 36 inches with just one skein of each color. 

Tap here to purchase Caron One Pound on or find it at your local Michael’s, Joanns or Walmart. 


Crochet Diamond Weave Two Color Blanket

Thank you so much for stopping by and following us along here at the farm. We love sharing what we are crocheting for our friends and family with you. If you are on Facebook, come and join the Daisy Farm Crafters Group and share what you have made from our patterns! We have a nice group where you can get more color ideas and support from others if something doesn’t make sense. 

Happy Crocheting! 

XO, Tiffany